The production services

Mechanization is the key to success in agricultural production. But mechanization initially involves a high level of investment and also requires good utilization of the machines in order to pay off. Whereas in the past every farmer in Europe kept all the necessary machinery, including combine harvesters, in his own inventory, this has changed completely today. Small, medium and sometimes even large farms use the highly professional services of contractors for certain seasonal activities. Some even shift field and harvest work completely into the hands of service providers, who work with large tractors and combines that are always perfectly maintained. This saves investment capital and, thanks to fixed prices per hectare, ensures transparent calculations and favorable cost structures. As part of our 360° service, we support companies and institutions in designing and setting up production services and supply all the machinery and inputs needed to cultivate agricultural land.




(551 - 479 BC)

Whether directly after harvesting or before sowing, good soil preparation is the absolutely necessary prerequisite for mechanised work in the subsequent production stages. No seed drill or combine harvester can work properly without well prepared soil and, above all, a uniform field pattern.

Soil cultivation


Ploughing, cultivating and harrowing

Whether you need soil cultivation with a plow and packer roller or with a cultivator or disc harrow. We have the right implements and tractors in our portfolio for all soils and areas. We will be happy to advise you on the selection of the right equipment for your needs and supply GPS systems on board the tractors, which enable precise billing according to the area worked.


The German proverb "You made your bed, now sleep in it". applies 100% to sowing in agriculture. A well-prepared seedbed enables precise placement of the seed with uniform sowing depth, good soil structure and a field pattern that is so even that weed hoeing and later harvesting with the combine run perfectly.

Seedbed preparation


Fine harrowing, compacting, precision harrowing

After plowing, cultivating or a first pass with the disc harrow, the power harrow with following roller and harrow is the perfect tool for a perfect seedbed. The power harrows we offer can be combined with both the D9 seed drill and the PRECEA precision air seeder to harrow and seed in one pass. It does not get more efficient than this.


We underline with our offer three variants of mechanical seeding, perfectly adapted to the main crops in West Africa. With PRECEA precision drills we have the perfect equipment for corn, soybean and cotton. Drill seeders can be used to sow rice, sesame, sorghum and other cereals at close row spacing. And with fertilizer tanks on the disc harrows, rice can be sown in wet cultivation.



Precision seeding, drilling and broad seeding

With the precision precision air seeder PRECEA from Amazone, row spacings of 45 cm for soybean, 75 cm for maize and 90 cm for cotton can be infinitely adjusted. All machines are equipped with an integrated fertiliser function, which applies fertiliser directly with the seed.
For cereals, the D9 drill is ideally suited. It sows in rows 12 to 25 cm apart and can be combined with the power harrow.

Broad seeding, e.g. for rice in wet cultivation, can be carried out in one pass with harrowing or cultivating by installing a fertilizer tank on the implements.


Weeding is the best method to prevent the spread of weeds in the early stages, especially for organic farming. The so-called blind harrowing is carried out directly after sowing, i.e. when no plants are visible yet. Further passes with the harrow are made until the 3-leaf stage is reached.


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Harrowing for organic soy cultivation

As the largest exporter of organic soy to the EU, Togo, for example, knows the importance of this important crop. To ensure that weeds do not have a chance and that the harvest is significantly higher, we recommend a first stalk pass directly after sowing the individual grains, which is then to be repeated several times in the following weeks until the soybean plants have reached the 3-leaf stage.


In organic farming, especially with soy, continuous and precise weed control is of extreme importance, because the weeds consume the nutrients and water intended for the soy plants and if they get too high and overgrow the soy plants, the power of the sun is also missing. With our mechanical hoes, all this is avoided and instead of 0.5 t/ha, the yield increases up to 4.0 t/ha.



Weed hoes for soybean cultivation

Precision hoeing by the German manufacturer SCHMOTZER, the inventor of mechanical hoeing technology, not only eliminates weeds but also ensures good aeration of the soil after sowing and a high further absorption capacity of the soil for the necessary irrigation. Hoeing has an extremely positive effect on crop yield and is an absolute necessity for all those who grow soybeans professionally and for whom high yield per hectare and the corresponding profit are important.


Fertilizer application is an essential factor for crop success. The even distribution of mineral fertilizer is very important for plant cultivation and economic reasons. The fertilizer spreaders recommended by us from the market leader AMAZONE ensure high area output, perfect, even distribution of the fertilizer and corresponding harvest success.



Spreading and procuring fertiliser

The selection of the right fertilizer spreader depends on the required area output. We have both mounted and trailed fertilizer spreaders for the very large areas in our portfolio. As a supplier of the entire range of mineral fertilizers, we know the relevant requirements of crops and soil conditions. In order to ensure an optimal supply of nutrients to the soil, we can, on request and in cooperation with the laboratory of the German farmers' associations, take samples of the soil or plants, analyze them and, based on this, make recommendations for efficient fertilization.


Crop protection with biocides is absolutely necessary in conventional cultivation in order to avoid crop losses, up to and including total failure, and thus also to make an important contribution to food security for the population. We recommend crop protection sprayers from AMAZONE, which ensure precise and thus economical application of the biocides.

Plant protection


Plant protection services

When a complete service is required in the field of crop protection, we are the right people to contact. AMAZONE mounted crop protection sprayers with working widths from 15 to 36 meters ensure high area performance and a correspondingly favorable application rate. In the field of biocides we can rely on the offers of leading German manufacturers.


Harvesting is the culmination of every harvest cycle. That is why it also receives our full attention. For harvesting, threshing and cleaning, we recommend CLAAS combines, the world leader in this market segment. With the CROP TIGER, we have a specialist on board for harvesting rice in wet cultivation, and the DOMINATOR, the most widely built combine in the world, is the workhorse for all crops.



Harvesting service with the matching combines

With a cutterbar width of 4.20 m, the DOMINATOR manages 20 to 30 ha per day, depending on the crop, in the usual 24-hour harvesting operation. With the CROP TIGER, this figure is 10 to 15 hectares. Both machines thus ensure a fast harvest when the time is right. The large grain tanks ensure effective work and relaxed harvesting logistics. We offer sieves and cutterbars for corn, rice, soybeans, short-stem sorghum and, on request, for other cereals.


Despite large grain tanks, combine harvesters can only work efficiently if the timing of the harvest removal is perfectly synchronised. We calculate the optimal setup taking into account the harvesting capacity, grain tank size, distance to the storage area, size of the transport vehicles and the nature of the routing.

Harvest logistics


Transport logistics from field to warehouse

Based on the demand calculations, we create a resource plan for the tractors and trailers needed. This is important so that they are ready as soon as the combine starts its work. When planning, we are of course happy to take into account suitable, existing means of transport and capacities and then supplement these with suitable trailers.
