Agriculture does not work without seeds and fertiliser.

And without good seeds and the right fertiliser, agriculture functions only suboptimally.

For this reason, BEST AGRITECH strives to create a range of seed varieties that are perfectly adapted to the growing conditions and produce the varieties that the national and international market demands. In the fertilizer sector, we rely not only on standard products but also on special mixtures that offer the respective crops an optimal supply of nutrients. Thanks to our close cooperation with our producers in Europe, we are able to
individual fertilizer blends for our customers.

Agriculture does not work without seeds and fertiliser.

And without good seeds and the right fertiliser, agriculture functions only suboptimally.

For this reason, BEST AGRITECH strives to create a range of seed varieties that are perfectly adapted to the growing conditions and produce the varieties that the national and international market demands. In the fertilizer sector, we rely not only on standard products but also on special mixtures that offer the respective crops an optimal supply of nutrients. Thanks to our close cooperation with our producers in Europe, we are able to
individual fertilizer mixtures for our customers.

Agriculture does not work without seeds and fertiliser.

And without good seeds and the right fertiliser, agriculture functions only suboptimally.

For this reason, BEST AGRITECH strives to create a range of seed varieties that are perfectly adapted to the growing conditions and produce the varieties that the national and international market demands. In the fertilizer sector, we rely not only on standard products but also on special mixtures that offer the respective crops an optimal supply of nutrients. Thanks to our close cooperation with our producers in Europe, we are able to
individual fertilizer mixtures for our customers.

Dünger für eine reiche Ernte - Fokus Afrika

The use of fertilizer is a decisive factor for successful agriculture. Crop yields and fertilizer supply are directly related. The right fertilization, both in terms of quality and quantity, is an investment in future yields that is based on clear cost/benefit ratios.

BEST AGRITECH bietet seinen Kunden das gesamte Spektrum an Düngern: Ein- und Mehrnährstoffdünger, Harnstoffdünger, Flüssigdünger und individuelle Rezepturen mit verschiedensten Makro- und Mikrokomponenten. Über das renommierte Labor der LUFA in Münster/Deutschland bieten wir, speziell für unsere Kunden in Westafrika, Bodenanalysen an, um die Düngergaben perfekt auf die vorhandenen Gegebenheiten und die geplanten Kulturen abzustimmen.

Wir liefern Dünger als Schüttgut in Massengutfrachtern oder Schüttgutcontainern, in Big Bags und in Säcken von 25 oder 50 kg. Flüssigdünger wird in Kanistern verschiedener Größe oder 1.000 Liter IBC-Containern geliefert. In Abhängigkeit der Menge verschiffen wird den abgesackten und den flüssigen Dünger in Containern oder Frachtschiffen. Bei entsprechenden Mengen können wir die Säcke und Kanister individuell bedrucken und unseren Kunden damit einen hochwertigen und einzigartigen Markenauftritt ermöglichen.

Fokusmarkt Westeuropa

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit einem führenden Düngerhersteller und seinen Logistik-Partnern stehen ab Juni 2024 mehrere gut ausgestattete Dünger-Läger in der belgischen Provinz Limburg bzw. in der benachbarten niederländischen Provinz Süd-Limburg zur Verfügung. Über den Albertkanal sind diese Läger binnen weniger als einem Tag von den Seehäfen an der Scheldemündung (Vlissingen und Terneuzen) zu erreichen. Von dort aus können wir Kunden in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Belgien, Luxemburg und Nordfrankreich optimal mit Lagerware versorgen. Wir liefern franko - als Schüttgut und in Big Bags - oder offerieren unseren Kunden Selbstabholung. Größere Partien können wir auch per Zug oder Binnenschiff verfrachten.

Destinationen im Vereinigtes Königreich oder Irland können wir von Vlissingen aus hervorragend mit Küstenmotorschiffen verschiedenster Größen anfahren. Eine direkte Umladung von unseren Seeschiffen sorgt für geringe Logistikkosten.

Unsere Lagerware umfasst Kalkammonsalpeter, Kaliumchlorid, Harnstoff und diverse NPK Mischdünger.

Mineral fertilizers - a selection




NPK 15-15-15

The standard nitrogen fertilizer for all agricultural and horticultural crops. In the soil, urea is converted very quickly into ammonium and then into nitrate. We supply urea fertilizer in 25 and 50 kg bags, big bags and as bulk material.

The standard multi-component fertilizer for a wide range of applications. We supply the fertilizer in 25 and 50 kg bags, big bags and as bulk material





We supply all variants of phosphate-based fertilizers such as diammonium phosphate (DAP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), single super phosphate (SSP) or

Triple Super Phosphate (TSP).

In West Africa, up to 6 different NPK formulas are used for the cultivation of cotton - depending on the region. We can produce all individual formulations with a variety of additional components.

Water soluble fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizer



We offer a variety of immediately effective water-soluble foliar fertilizers with the macro-components potassium, magnesium and sulphur as well as micro-components such as manganese, zinc, copper, boron and sulphur. All water-soluble fertilizers are supplied in the best horticultural quality and in high-quality, very sturdy PE bags.


Only the ground recognises

the goodness of the seed

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Seeds that deliver what they promise

Seed selection is the cornerstone of harvest success. Especially in the organic soy sector, location factors such as soil conditions, rainfall, equipment and the demand structures of the buyers must be taken into account. As the largest exporter to the EU, Togo is in a position to defend its leading position, or even better, to expand it further. By planting premium seeds from German production, farmers can gain access to the world's largest market for organic soy.

And with the seeds of our partner DEUTSCHE SAATGUT you are in pole position.

For the short growing cycle


MARQUISE impresses in the early 000 segment as an all-rounder. MARQUISE delivers high yields and very high crude protein yields. Thanks to a rapid youth development, MARQUISE has a high weed suppression capacity. Due to its rapid maturity and good stability, MARQUISE has a very broad suitability for cultivation.

Here you can download the product data sheets in French English and German

For a high yield


ABELINA stands out as one of the earliest 000 varieties with high yield potential. The medium-long growth and high pod set ensure good harvestability. As a very early all-rounder, ABELINA is ideally suited for cultivation on marginal sites.

Here you can download the product data sheets in French English and German



ALICIA is characterised in the medium-early 000 segment by a very high yield potential with high crude protein yields. Rapid juvenile development, good stability and a low tendency to grain failure round off the overall package. ALICIA achieves strong results in the national variety trials.

Here you can download the product data sheets in French English and German



ATACAMA is ideally suited for cultivation in better soybean growing locations. The early 00 variety is drought stress tolerant, very high-yielding and delivers high oil yields. Thanks to its compact growth height, ATACAMA achieves good stability.

Here you can download the product data sheets in French English and German

Ensures biological nitrogen fixation

MasterFix L



MasterFix L Premier is one of the world's leading biological inoculants for the treatment of soybeans. The inoculant improves crop yields by increasing nodulation in the root system. The bacteria of the genus Bradyrhizobium japonicum and elkani become a natural source of nitrogen for the soybean. The inoculant is FIBL listed and suitable for certified organic soy cultivation.